DMASFLO is a total distribution management solution for the utilities to achieve reliable, efficient operation and maintenance of their gas distribution networks.
WEB based architecture allows immediate and easy access to all types of real-time and archived information by utility staff and consumers from any location. There is no need for installing specific applications on every client.
Intuitive user interface provides users quick and efficient tools to keep them always in-touch with their field devices and systems.
• Total distribution management solution for gas metering systems.
• Remote monitoring and management of run-time and historical information, alarms and events.
• Extensive reports for billing, operation and investment planning.
• Fast, efficient network operation and management.
• Seamless interface to existing information systems.
• Automatic, system-wide distribution of gas contents for most accurate measurements.
• Compatible to all devices supporting Modbus RTU/TCP.
• Supports responsive design for different customer login options like PC, mobile or tablet.
• All field devices are monitored and managed via an interactive map.
• Multiple graphical representations make data analysis easier than ever.
• Advanced user management for accessing only relevant information.
• Newest technology. Blazingly fast user interface.

Interactive Map View

Data Visualization
Powerful, multi-axis visualization that helps you display your data as bars, areas, lines and many other forms.

Comprehensive Reporting

Where Every Device is Integrated

Blazing Fast and Secure